CON+ 獲得 SDN 國際服務設計大賽學生組 Winner

The followings is a collection of design reports of the UX projects supervised by Tang. The processes of these projects follow user experience oriented innovative process. Three stages are UXR, UXD, UXT. From these reports you will find the details of the process and its various applications. All the presented projects were executed by master students or bachelor students in their graduation projects. The durations of the projects range from one to three years. All the comments and suggestions are welcome.


HearMe User Experience Research

HearMe UX Design Process

Circulating by 馮盛哲 邱鈴媛

Baby Box by 洪靜慈 羅欣琪

Laundring by 吳尚哲

User Experience Design Process (UXD of iCAN)


Display of Will