We are a community of designers, engineers, teachers, researchers, and more. Our goal is using the power of design to fulfill user needs and create social impacts.
We are a community of designers, engineers, teachers, researchers, and more. Our goal is using the power of design to fulfill user needs and create social impacts.
面向產業急遽的變化,設計的角色從傳統的設計轉向更深刻的用戶體驗及服務品質,為了展現設計對形塑未來的潛力,DITLDESIGN 專注於用戶體驗與服務設計創新,我們期待對於用戶體驗與服務設計創新有熱忱的夥伴加入我們。
* 請準備履歷及作品集,讓我們更認識你
身份 Identity
條件 Applicant
需有一年以上工作經驗,並能參與每週一次的固定 Meeting。